Supporting Ancona

Giving Circles

Maximize Your Donation with Giving Circles

List of 1 items.

  • Become a Giving Circle donor

Philanthropy is a critical component of every independent school, especially one like ours dedicated to financial accessibility. To celebrate over six decades of excellence, we invite you to join us as a member of one of our giving circles. 

Why Give?
Giving Circle donors directly support the retention of top-notch educators who represent our diverse student body. Gifts also ensure that Ancona has the resources to deliver an educational experience grounded in equity and excellence. Plus, Giving Circle donors receive benefits like Gala sponsorships, reserved seats at assemblies, and more!

Ready to Give?
Becoming a Giving Circle donor is easy—just click on Become a Giving Circle Donor at the top of this page to get started! Please make sure to select the "Donations received through the Giving Circles initiative" from the form dropdown. You may make a one-time gift at your preferred level or set up a recurring donation. 

Questions about Giving Circles or philanthropy at Ancona? Email Angie Martinez, Director of Community Engagement, at

Giving Circle Levels

List of 3 items.

  • Monarch Circle

    Annual donation of $50,000: Includes a $35,000 gala sponsorship with 20 tickets, reserved seats at assemblies, a basket of farm fresh produce delivered to you, a cameo at Grandparent’s Day, and special thanks in all our media.
  • Butterfly Circle

    Annual donation between $15,000 and $50,000: Includes a $2,500 gala sponsorship with ten tickets, reserved seats at assemblies throughout the year, access to teacher-designed programs for your family, and special thanks in all our media.
  • Chrysalis Circle

    Annual donation between $5,000 and $15,000: Includes a $1,500 gala sponsorship with four tickets, reserved seats at two assemblies each year, and special thanks in all of our media.
    • Affiliations

      Independent Schools Association of the Central States

    • Affiliations

      Lake Michigan Association of Independent Schools

    • Affiliations

      National Association of Independent Schools

    • Affiliations

      American Montessori Society

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